Monday, December 31, 2018

About the Phenomenon Called "Blackfishing"

Unfortunately, although this is a new phenomenon for social media, this is not new. White people have been appropriating black people's style and culture for about a century. Blackface was one aspect of it, and the most egregious. However, they have co-opted jazz, and appropriated rock to the point that lots of black people think of rock as "white boy music", and don't even realize that black people started it. Forget Elvis Presley. What about Chuck Berry? If you want to hear what rock can sound like when modern-day black artists get really soulful with it, listen to Living Colour. Let's consider the tanning craze that's currently in vogue. What do you think all those white people are risking skin cancer for? To look more like black people. In the 1970s, they found ways to curl their hair into pseudo-Afros. It used to be that black people's slang would find its way into white culture in five or ten years. That was before the Internet. Now it takes only five minutes. Speech, fashion, slang, appearance--it all finds its way into white culture. It wouldn't be so bad if so many of them didn't continue to treat black people like dirt. Why don't white people just admit that they admire black people, and let the racism die a natural death? The American nation would become a much better place--and so would the world.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Right on point. Culture Vultures are still busy hijacking the best that we produce. Guard the culture. Guard the legacy.
