Thursday, December 3, 2009

Global Warming Becomes Climategate! So Now What?

If you haven't heard by now, there appears to be a massive scandal involved with the concept of global warming--namely, that the science behind it is bogus--part of a massive conspiracy to control the world's industry. And, apparently, it's been going on for almost 200 years (185, to be precise). No, I'm not making this up--just Google "global warming emails" if you don't believe me. In fact, if George Monbiot's blog at ("Global Warming Rigged? Here's the Email I'd Need to See", is any indication, the best screenwriters in Hollywood couldn't make this stuff up. Don't take my word for it; do the research for yourself. There are plenty of leads to follow.

The problem, of course, is that, if true, this scandal damages the credibility of not just global warming science (and anyone associated with it), but potentially, science--and scientists--in general, and any legitimate issues pertaining to the environment--and there are many. Not to mention how it potentially sets back the green movement by a hundred years--with all those potential new green industry jobs at stake. With the economy in its current shape, this is not the kind of news that we need right now. So what do we do? What happens when scientists, who we depend on to explain and define our world, in a practical, functional sense, cannot be trusted?

It's very important not to lose perspective. Let's remember that scientists, like people in general, are not perfect. There are those who operate by a code of ethics, and those who allow themselves, through excessive self-interest, to fall under the sway of corruption. Society is rife with corruption; there's a new scandal uncovered almost everyday. The only defenses against it are information, education, communication, vigilance, and community spirit. As with our politicians, teachers, doctors, and civil servants of every type, we must hold our scientists to the highest standards. These are the same standards that we expect the businesses that we patronize to uphold. What we expect, we should embody. Teach by example. Treat everyone that we come across in life the way that we would want to be treated--with respect and compassion. That's the true business model. That's the foundation of a rock-solid economy. Anything less is doomed to fail. Remember that old adage about either learning from the mistakes of history or repeating them?

So let's appreciate all the good that our scientists have done for us, and have yet to do. (Cars. Airplanes. Vaccines. Cell phones. The Internet. And so on.) But let's never forget to remain involved and informed. Scientists, like all our public servants, require constant and consistent scrutiny. Their activities need transparency. They also require our support and encouragement. As long as they're doing what they're supposed to be doing, they should have nothing to hide. The same goes for the rest of us.


  1. Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Apologies that this comment will be in the wrong place and nothing to do with your post above. Good thoughts on the Doctor Who episode, but I still think it's like waking Juliet up at the end and sending her away with a Romeo clone. But as with all creative work, it's a matter of taste, and never going to please everyone...

  2. @Marie:
    Thank you for your comment. Finally, a comment! I'd almost given up hope. That's why I've only just stumbled across it. I'll be checking back in with you to see what you're up to.

  3. As you and I had talked about this a bit on the phone a while ago. I didn't fall for the "Ozone Layer", the "Green House gases", "Y2K" and now "Global Warming". I firmly believe that this is a natural occurance of the Earth. And yes industry jumped on this to control us and of course the Media which loves to scare people also jumped on this! How, 'bout that "Swine Flu" 'er I mean H1N1, lets not get the pig farmers panties in a bunch! The media once again gave us the usual scare tactics, "What out for H1N1 It's will kill half the population! How do we defend ourselves from this menace? Wash your hands! So, with the Global Warming it's just a bunch of BS!!!! There's always gotta be something out there to "scare us". So, rest assure everyone there is no Global Warming out there. Just a lot of people with blowing hot air!

  4. Scaring people generates revenue, Rob. Take the bottled water industry, for example. Granted, there are some areas where the water isn't clean enough or safe enough to drink. But it's amazing how huge the bottled-water industry is, even in places where the water is safe to drink. And here's the kicker: It has been established that the bottled water that has been passed off as spring water has, in fact, been drawn straight from the tap, in numerous cases! But what a great and profitable marketing technique, huh? It's been proven, time and again, that there's a lot of money to be made by scaring people--as long as the society maintains sub-par educational standards, thus limiting the people's ability to think for themselves.

  5. Exactly that's the whole thing behind Y2K, Ozone Layers & the big Daddy "Global Warming". Being as old as I am and the ability to remember a lot of crap! I remember being in Junior High School & the science teachers teaching that in the 2000's there will be a "Global Cooling". I don't know if you remember that but I do! So, what happened to that theory??? I guess it wasn't enough of a money making scam as "Global Warming"! LOL!!!
    I am SO tired of the media especially jumping on the "Lets scare the public" bandwagon!!!!! Like I said the swine flu is deadly!!!!!! but how do we combat this deadly disease??? Wash your hands!!!! What???? Anyway, please don't fall for all this crap!!!!!!!!!!
